Five young adults in front of a lake with their arms stretched above their heads. The sun is setting in the background.

Services for Youth and Young Adults

Transition Planning and Support

The Foundations Program works in conjunction with the local high schools to provide yearly Integrated Transition Plans for young persons who have been deemed to have exceptional needs. These plans focus on establishing goals for the future and apprising families of ways to access adults services. The programs run in Bradford and Alliston.

Foundations also provides supports to young adults in transition to adult services aged 18-28. Time limited supports may include the following:

  • Employment preparation
  • Developing independent living skills
  • Assistance in accessing educational programs, volunteer experience and or community based recreational leisure activities.
A young adult woman sitting in a pile of colourful leaves and holding a yellow leaf.
A young teen girl and 2 boys sitting in a row of desks. The girl is giving a thumbs up.

Facilitating Youth Involvement

FYI is an after school program for high school students that operates Monday to Friday based on the interest and needs of the youth attending the program. A range of recreation, leisure and educational activities are provided for youth to enhance their life and social connections. The programs run in Bradford and Alliston.

Full day camp programs are offered to youth during March Break and the summer. A fee is charged to cover program costs. Contact CLASS for further information and details on these programs.

For information on our summer camps please link here below.

Bradford Summer Camps

Alliston Summer Camps

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